Peter Marklund

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Sat Aug 02 2008 03:05:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Asus Eee + Ubuntu + Rails

On thursday I bought myself an Asus Eee 900 - a tiny and cheap Linux powered laptop that is currently selling out in stores here in Sweden. I got a lot of attention in the office with this laptop and within a day it seemed every programmer in the office had an Eee on their desk.

I installed Ubuntu Eee and this was a huge improvement over the Linux OS that Asus provides. I am ashamed to admit that I haven't used Linux on the desktop for a long time and I was totally blown away by how advanced, slick, and user friendly Ubuntu has gotten.

Obviously, my ultimate goal was to install Ruby on Rails. At first I wanted to install from source in order to get an exact version and patch level of Ruby, namely the one that is officially recommended on However, when attempting this various libraries were missing. I found a FiveRuns article listing the packages I needed but after I had installed them I ran into an issue with the MD5 library. In the end I resorted to using the ruby-full package which gives you the old tried and tested Ruby 1.8.6 patch level 111 (without the recent security patches). Here, roughly, are the steps I went through to set up my Rails environment:

  # RUBY

  sudo apt-get install ruby-full
  which ruby
  ruby -v
  # => ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i486-linux]
  ruby -ropenssl -rzlib -rreadline -e "puts :success" 


  # Get latest stable recommended release of RubyGems from
  tar xzf rubygems-1.2.0.tgz
  cd rubygems-1.2.0/
  sudo ruby setup.rb
  # Not sure if/why this step is necessary
  sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
  which gem
  gem --version
  # => 1.2.0


  sudo aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev

  # Some useful Gems

  sudo gem install rails mongrel capistrano mysql

I haven't double checked those instructions for accuracy since I would have to re-install my OS to do that. If you find errors or have improvements, please let me know. Here is a sample of articles on the subject that you might want to check out if you want to dig deeper: