Peter Marklund

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Tue Jan 06 2009 06:12:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Rails Timezone Gotcha: ActiveRecord::Base.find does not convert Time objects to UTC

With the timezone support introduced in Rails 2.1 the idea is that all dates in the database are stored in UTC and all dates in Ruby are in a local timezone. The local timezone can be specified by config.timezone in environment.rb or set to the user timezone with in a before filter. Typicaly, when reading/writing from/to the database ActiveRecord will transparently convert time attributes back and forth to UTC for you. However, there is a gotcha with datetimes in ActiveRecord::Base.find conditions. They will only be converted to UTC for you if they are ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone objects, not if they are Time objects. This means that you are fine if you use, 1.days.ago, or Time.parse("2008-12-23").utc, but not if you use or Time.parse("2008-12-23"). Example:

  Event.all(:conditions => ["start_time > ?",])
  Event.all(:conditions => ["start_time > ?", Time.parse("2008-12-23").utc])

Apparently this issue has been reported and marked as invalid. I think it's quite unfortunate that ActiveRecord doesn't do this conversion for us. I suspect other application developers will be bitten by this as well. The difference in behaviour between Time and TimeWithZone objects boils down to the to_s(:db) call:

=> "2009-01-06 17:52:19"
=> "2009-01-06 16:52:23"

One way to fix the issue would be to monkey patch the Quoting module in ActiveRecord like this:

module ActiveRecord
  module ConnectionAdapters # :nodoc:
    module Quoting
      # Convert dates and times to UTC so that the following two will be equivalent:
      # Event.all(:conditions => ["start_time > ?",])
      # Event.all(:conditions => ["start_time > ?",])
      def quoted_date(value)
        value.respond_to?(:utc) ? value.utc.to_s(:db) : value.to_s(:db)

However I'm not sure that this is a good idea and that it won't break anything else. I've at least verified that it doesn't break assignment of ActiveRecord attributes.